Sunday, July 1, 2012

Violent Lips Red Glitterati Detailed Review with Pictures

Violent Lips are temporary lip stickers/tattoos. The idea is quite unique, and Violent Lips offers many different styles to choose from, simple to wild. I got the red and pink glitterati on sale from Sephora. After reading the instructions once and once over, I cut according to their guidelines and did the best I could to cut and trim the Violent Lip Tattoo to fit my lips.

After cutting it down to my lip size and shape I got a washcloth and soaked it in water and then applied it to my lips. I have had a previous experience with Violent Lips and the Blue Glitterati, and using too little water will get you no where. In the Violent Lips tutorial video, they make it look so easy. I agree that it takes a little bit of practice and getting used to, but if you decide to purchase any of the Glitterati know that it is a frustrating beginning experience until you get it down.

Just like my first experience, the Red Glitterati tattoos are similar to a semi thick like gel that you have to moisten on your lips and mold the lip tattoo onto your lips. This is not a quick process! I have red in other reviews of this product that they remove the lip tattoo after only a few seconds. For me, I spent several minutes wetting and molding the tattoo to my lips, and trying to make them stay in place. The sides of the lips are the hardest part to get to stay.

After failing with my first attempt, my second attempt went much better, but they still didnt turn out like I thought they would. I am not sure if I am just being picky, but there were parts that wouldnt stay in place, and when I looked in the mirror I could see imperfecions, edges not sticking, some parts looking like a wrinkle. But from far away I dont think anyone would be able to notice.

In the picture above you can see that I could not get all of the sides to stick. Very frustrating.

Now the removal is much easier than putting them on! To remove I just have to grab one of the sides with my fingers and peel them off. That is very convenient.

Maybe I expected something different after using so many of the knock offs I purchased from ebay. The knock offs from ebay are much cheaper, and they are much easier and faster to put on! The knock offs are literally just like real temporary tattoos that you would put on your skin. They apply to your lips with ease and very quickly, Then after I always put on some lip gloss to make sure the two lips wouldnt stick together and peel eachother apart. The downside to the knock offs is that they dont pop out like Violent Lips, and removing them is much more difficult than simply peeling them off like you can with Violent Lips. Although, after much experience applying the lip gloss and rubbing your finger makes the tattoo come up and off your lips much faster than it would if you didnt have any lip gloss on them.

I believe that the knock offs last longer, for they truely are molded and almost kind of painted on, with no edges lifting up like the Violent Lips.

Im not sure, maybe I need more experience with the Violent Lips collection, but from my standpoint right now, I think and suggest that the knock offs are the way to go.

thick and more of a gooey feeling

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